Season the ribeyes on all sides with Headwaters BBQ Baldy Mountain Beef Rub, salt, and black pepper
Place the seasoned ribeyes into a 2-gallon freezer bag with the rosemary and sage
Remove all the air from the freezer bag
Heat water to 130°F and pour into an Igloo sandwich cooler
Place the ribeyes (in the freezer bag) into the water bath and close the lid
The steaks remain in the water bath for at least 30 minutes, although longer will not hurt anything, and may actually improve the flavors
Cook the shallot in butter and add porter when almost soft
Reduce the sauce to one-third of its original volume
Heat the Big Green Egg or another grill to a searing heat
Sear the ribeyes (about 1 minute) on each side
Top the ribeyes with blue cheese and porter/shallot sauce
Now, you are ready to enjoy the best steak…ever.