Sweet & Hot Mustard Pasta Salad
April 13, 2023
“Life is a combination of magic and pasta.”
— Federico Fellini
When thinking of pasta, people immediately associate it with Italian cuisine, giving most people the impression that pasta salad is also Italian, however, pasta salad has its origins in America.
The history and origins of pasta salad are a bit murky, but we know it does not appear anywhere in traditional Italian cooking, ruling out Italy as its genesis. But, a decade before its introduction to our food culture, German immigrants had disseminated mayo and mustard-dressed potato salads throughout the country (as discussed in Vi’s Dippin’ Mustard Potato Salad) making it very plausible to assume that with the Italian immigrants’ assimilation to America, their pasta replaced potatoes in traditional German potato salad recipes. Bet, you didn’t know this. Bet you’re happy to know this little history factoid.
Contemporary pasta salad is a dish constructed with chilled cooked pasta tossed in a mayonnaise-based dressing – a dish we have no qualms with and serves as the base for today’s recipe.
Prepare the pasta. Toss in the chopped bell peppers and grape tomatoes to add a contrasting crunch and accentuate your pasta’s softness and sweetness. Last, but definitely not least, add Vi’s Sweet Extra Hot Mustard to enhance all the other lovely flavors we love with a bold kick.
Life may be a combination of pasta and magic, but sometimes, it’s a combination of pasta and Vi’s Dippin’ Mustard, a versatile sauce that comes in three heat levels, tastes sweet, tangy, and umami-rich, and is about to become your most favorite and versatile sauce.

Sweet & Hot Mustard Pasta Salad
- 12 oz. penne pasta cooked
- ½ cup grape tomatoes diced
- ½ red bell pepper diced
- ½ red onion diced
- 1 cup Vi’s Sweet Extra Hot Mustard Sauce
- 2 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp kosher salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- Combine cooked pasta (cooled to room temperature), Vi’s Sweet Extra Hot Mustard Sauce, red bell pepper, onions, salt, and pepper, and stir well.
- Taste and add salt and pepper if desired. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour before serving.