Spicy Mississippi Pot Roast

90’s Vibe in the Kitchen
Authentic Pho

Vietnamese refugee’s gift to America
Porcupine Meatballs

All success is successful adaptation.
Tamale Pie

Find winter’s comfort in a slice of Tamale Pie.
Butte Pasty

Taste the history of miners.
Sunday Gravy

Snaking sour-sweet beef and sausage in a velvet honeycomb of sauce.
Sous Vide Sriracha Mayo-Seared Steak

Get it right every time.
Corned and Smoked Heart

Eat your heart out.
Smoked and Scotch Ale-Braised Corned Beef

The corned beef the Irish didn’t get to eat.
Smoked and Scotch Ale-Braised Reuben

Strike a deeelicious tangy balance among Reuben’s complex flavors.