3-2-1 Smoked Ribs
Barbeque and Smoked
April 13, 2023
“The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.”
— Julia Child
While a what-the-hell attitude can be a nice sauce for cooking, too much of a good sauce can ruin an entire dinner and you’d end up with dry and tough-to-chew ribs. Luckily you can maintain your lovely what-the-hell approach with no worries with the 3-2-1 method that guarantees tender and flawless results. Keep this cooking technique in your quiver to roll out terrific first-rate tender and fall-off-the-bone ribs every time.
To start prep your ribs by patting them dry and always, always, always remove the membrane when smoking the ribs. Otherwise, you’ll be dealing with a disconcerting rubbery texture in every bite. The rest is simple and as follows;
Smoke for 3 hours. Smoke for 2 hours. Smoke for 1 hour.
First, we expose the rubbed ribs to 3 hours of heavy smoke (applewood in this case). Braise the ribs with sparkling apple cider or beer or ….Heck, it’s your choice. Choose your own adventure. Then, we slather the ribs with our favorite BBQ sauce and return them to the smoker for a final hour.
This technique is foolproof and the results are magnificently awesome, tender, juicy ribs, especially with the help of Headwaters’ strikingly well-balanced sauces that have just the right consistency and depth of flavor to level up your grill game.

3-2-1 Smoked Ribs
- 1 rack pork back ribs membrane removed
- 2 TBSP Blind Hot Sauce Beelzebub Rub
- 1 cup sparkling apple cider
- 1 cup of your choice of Headwaters BBQ sauces
- Begin by removing the membrane on the back of the ribs
- Liberally (calm down arch-conservative) season the ribs with Blind Hot Sauce Beelzebub Rub.
- Prepare your smoker for indirect smoking at 225°F. Place the rubbed ribs on the smoker and close the lid. Leave them to smoke for 3 hours.
In the meantime, Netflix and Chill or go for a run. Enjoy your life.
- After the first 3 hours, transfer the ribs to a packet of foil and pour over the sparkling apple cider.
- Tightly crimp the foil together to create an airtight seal. Return the ribs to the smoker (still at 225°F), and braise them for 2 hours.
Continue your Netflix binge. (We know you didn’t go for a run.)
- After the second 2 hours, remove the ribs from the grill and open the foil package. Mop the ribs with your favorite BBQ sauce, return the ribs to the smoker, and smoke at 225°F for one last hour.
- Serve on a plate next to your favorite side dish. It’s time to eat!